At PointGuard we value three KPIs related to your building’s performance above all others. In a previous article, we spoke about managing energy savings using the insights gained from the powerful analytics offered by our automatic fault detection and diagnostics (AFDD) service, and its ability to unlock insights in your BMS data. You can read that article here.
Remember to Switch the Lights Off When You Leave
- Feb 12, 2019
- in Blogs
At PointGuard we set a lot of stock in KPIs, given our focus on transparency and business case data for energy efficiency projects. Our analytics platform can measure just about any KPI related to your building’s performance, but there are three KPIs that we value above all else. In our experience if you get these three things right then everything else, including return on investment, improves.
Does your building management system pay its own way?
- Jan 28, 2019
- in Blogs
It used to be the case that you couldn’t manage what you didn’t measure. But, in the past few years, thanks to the rapid development of sensor technology and the internet of things, we very rapidly gained the ability to measure anything and everything: how many steps we take; how long we sleep for; and even our hearts’ electrical activity thanks to the electrocardiogram capabilities of the latest Apple Watch.
2018 PointGuard Game Recap
- Dec 20, 2018
- in Blogs
It’s been quite a year for the PointGuard team. We started 2018 as Abundant Power and are ending the year with our new brand, PointGuard.
Reflections on CREtech Venture Conference
- Dec 14, 2018
- in Blogs
The PointGuard team made up of me (Shannon Smith), and our Chief Engineer, Derek McGarry recently exhibited at the leading event for content and connectivity in commercial real estate, the CREtech Venture Conference in New York City.
Q&A with Shannon Smith, CEO of PointGuard
- Nov 26, 2018
- in Blogs
Recently, we announced the launch of PointGuard, the rebranded analytics arm of our parent company, Abundant Power. Sit down with our CEO, Shannon Smith, and get to know a little bit more about the company, our rebrand, and our goals for 2019 and beyond.
What Happened to My ENERGY STAR Score?
- Sep 18, 2018
- in Blogs
The time has come. The U.S. government is updating ENERGY STAR scoring, which will cause most property’s scores to go down. Commercial buildings will see a drop in their ENERGY STAR score when the changes go into effect next Monday, August 26.
Use Data to Make the Right Capital Decisions
- Aug 28, 2018
- in Blogs
It’s budget season again. Time to decide where to use your limited operational budget on capital expenditures (CapEx) and upgrades.
Changing of the Guard
- Jul 30, 2018
- in Blogs
No one stays in the same place forever. For many reasons, personal or professional, facility managers, asset managers and property managers will move on to the next job, next level or next building.
Grab a Bucket
- Jul 18, 2018
- in Blogs
At PointGuard, our company values are at the core of everything we do. We keep them every day - with our team, our families, our customers and ourselves. We keep it fun,real and play to win; keep on learning; keep our promises and our mission; and of course, we keep on giving.
Does Your Building Data Fit?
- Jul 05, 2018
- in Blogs
The operating needs of buildings and the people who occupy them change every day. Building analytics produce the best results when experienced, knowledgeable people can accurately analyze data to maximize ROI.
The Millennial Gap
- Jun 26, 2018
- in Blogs
As of 2018, 85 percent of facility managers (FM) were Baby Boomers or Gen-Xers. However, by 2020, 75 percent of the workforce will be Millennials or younger. This creates a problem. As FMs began to retire in the coming years, it will be up to Millennials to take their place. But as of now, they are not.
Let's Be Real
- Jun 13, 2018
- in Blogs
At PointGuard, our company values are at the core of everything we do. We keep them every day - with our team, our families, our customers and ourselves. We keep it fun and play to win; keep on giving and learning; keep our promises and our mission; and of course, we keep it real.
Realcomm | IBcon 2018 - Beyond Energy
- Jun 08, 2018
- in Blogs
We are on our way back from what was a record crowd attending Realcomm | IBcon in Las Vegas. We launched our new service, The Comfort Test, and saw old friends and made new relationships. Here are some thoughts on the event from PointGuard's CEO Shannon Smith:
Does Your Building Pass the Comfort Test?
- Jun 01, 2018
- in Blogs
We care about comfort. It has been one of our key indicators of performance for years. As one of our key metrics in our Performance Analytics, the Comfort Score is a measure of accuracy of the desired temperature performance of the building mechanical systems.