PointGuard Recognized for Turning BMS Data Into Actionable Insights For Facilities Management Teams in New Report
A Year in Review
- Dec 30, 2019
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As we approach the beginning of a new decade, we can’t help but reflect, like most, on what we’ve accomplished.
Buildings often go through a commissioning process when they are built. But over time, equipment gets replaced or degrades and systems stop working as well as when they were originally designed. That is why retrocommissioning has become an important process for building managers and owners.
Amplify the Home Team
- Dec 11, 2019
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A contentious point with many facility management software platforms is that they’re portrayed as able to take care of buildings better than or “equal” to (but with more efficiency and less overhead) than the teams that are and have been running the buildings for years and even decades.
Learn more about the PointGuard Platform from our Chief Engineer and our CEO/Founder.
What Goes Up, Might Come Down
- Nov 13, 2019
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If you’ve had an ear to the news or economists recently, you’ve heard we’re heading towards a downturn. While there are many ways to prepare for such a change, one often overlooked way is building operational expenses. OpEx is seen as sunk costs and unchangeable but, fortunately, that’s not true.
Comfort is the Most Direct Path to Return on Payroll
- Oct 08, 2019
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Comfortable people are more productive and there is no bigger building expense than unproductive occupants.
Human Intelligence Still Beats Artificial Intelligence Any Day
- Aug 14, 2019
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If you have gone to a real estate conference, read any commercial real estate articles or even opened an internet browser in the last year you have likely heard of Artificial Intelligence (which can be henceforth called AI without further explanation at this point I think). Experts in both the technology and property industries have created a steady amount of buzz content around how AI can and is changing how buildings are managed. There is talk of industry disruption and of failed businesses for those that didn’t invest in AI.
Is Your Building a Snowflake
- Jul 16, 2019
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One of the universal truths of the property industry is that every building is unique. They like snowflakes take their own shape, occupy their own space, and react to the world in their own way.
Conference Learnings: We Fear Missing Out
- Jun 28, 2019
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The PointGuard team is coming off a busy June Conference season. We recently exhibited at both Realcomm | IBcon in Nashville, Tennessee and BOMA International Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.
LeBron Would Not Be Happy with Facility Management
- Jun 21, 2019
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There is a major problem in the way that the facilities industry makes its decisions about equipment replacement.
Use Data to Turn a Wrench
- Jun 12, 2019
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There is a joke about a mechanic that charged his customer ten thousand dollars to fix their car. On the invoice, the charges broke down to one penny for a screw and $9,999.99 for the labor to replace it. The customer, of course, questions the mechanic, “why does the labor cost so much, you only replaced one screw?!” The mechanic gives the same explanation that software engineers often have to: “I had to know which one to replace.”
A Better Way to Budget
- May 14, 2019
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Using Performance to Understand a Building's Expenses
The Comfort Factor
- Feb 27, 2019
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The third of the three KPIs that are our gold standard is the comfort of your occupants. We’ve saved this until last to discuss, but in fact, it should be top of your list as you work to create a high-performance building.